Q: How does booking and paying work?
A: Email us stating the days for which you would like to book the Rainforest Retreat. We will check availability and get back to you. Once the reservation process is complete, we will send you a link for making a simple online credit card payment.
Q: What if I have to cancel my booking?
A: If you cancel your booking 31 days or more prior to your check-in date, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel your booking within 30 days to 8 days prior to your check-in date, you will receive a 70% refund. There are no refunds for cancellations made within 7 days prior to your check-in date.
Q: How do I get to the Rainforest Retreat?
A: The only practical way to get to the Rainforest Retreat is to drive. If you would like to hire a car with your booking, say so in your initial email. Our car can be picked up from the Wendekreisen Travel depot at Unit 6, 197 Montgomerie Road, Mangere, Auckland, near the airport. The Rainforest Retreat can be found at 19 Te Aute Ridge Road, Waitakere, Auckland.
Q: Are there any special rules for staying at the Rainforest Retreat?
A: As per the Terms & Conditions, we ask that there be no smoking inside the house, (although you may smoke on the balcony or in the garden,) no pets, no parties, and that you leave the accommodation in a reasonably clean condition. Please do not flush any tampons down the toilet!
Also note that the Rainforest Retreat is on tank water, so at times water use may be limited.